1 min read

Finding Meaning

Most people in our current society feel a lack of purpose. There are piles of self-help books dedicated to finding your calling, discovering your dharma, and living your best life.

Most of those books are selling the same thing. Purpose isn't hard to find, provided you do one simple thing: believe.

Both subjective purpose (a personal meaning in life) and objective purpose (the same meaning for everyone's life) are essential to satisfaction. Belief in a subjective destiny gives you purpose, while belief in an objective destiny gives the world a purpose. Subjective purpose alone illuminates your path but fails to show where it leads, while objective purpose alone shines a light on the destination but gives you no way to get there.

It may be as complex as religion or as simple as sex. Believing that there's a reason why both you and the world at large exist brings meaning to an otherwise empty existence. Trust that there’s something bigger than yourself, and align yourself to its grand vision. Doubting destiny sets you adrift and yields nothing but nihilism. 

In other words, we have to believe that meaning exists in order to find it. The rest is just a matter of time.