
I started Harmonic Decisions to write about approaches to decision-making from the perspective of prioritizing our internal state. After all, our internal state determines our external actions. That's not changing, but how I will do this will be.
Firstly, I'll be taking some time to reevaluate how often I post. Currently, I'm writing monthly, but I want to see if I can write more frequently but in shorter form content. It definitely won't be a tweet, but I may not be writing 1300-word articles anymore.
Secondly, I'll be taking some time to reevaluate what exactly I write about. Talking about self-care is something I love to do and is highly relevant to good decisions, but I have too many interests and see decision-making concepts in many areas of life, not just self-care.
Thirdly, I'll be toying around with the financials of Harmonic Decisions. Currently, I don't charge for anything on the site, but I want to eventually make money from providing my unique viewpoints on things. I haven't decided if all my writing should be paywalled or restricted to free subscribers or still remain free, but the monetization of the site will be changing.
I'll also be toying with the site's structure, exploring offering my services for consulting, and updating the branding of the whole thing. I'll be sure to keep everyone in the loop when I finalize changes.
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