1 min read

Questions of Scale

Scales can measure three things: size, weight, and intensity.

The scale of size is found on maps and by phrases like "image in the mirror not to scale." Everyone is familiar with scales of weight and has probably encountered the scale of intensity ("On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your service today?") which defines the ranges of extremes. These three scales - size, weight, and intensity - can be posed as questions when contemplating our existence:

  • Size, i.e., How much of our time does this take up?
  • Weight, i.e., How much importance do we give to this area of our life?
  • Intensity, i.e., How much effort are we putting into this?

Scales are also meant for us to find balance. When introspecting, it's useful to have these questions on hand to put our lives in balance.

Asking the above questions can help us align ourselves with our vision. Without regular adjustment, we'll start to drift away from our dreams.