1 min read

Starting Harmonic Decisions

Decision-making is hard. Let's make it easier.
Starting Harmonic Decisions
Photo by Vladislav Babienko / Unsplash

We live in a world of duality. As the global order oscillates between war and peace, globalism versus tribalism, and the haves and have-nots, we're constantly being asked to decide which side to prioritize in the multitude of divides we encounter. To stay aloof is often not an option.

The duality of the human condition is easiest to observe in ourselves. The biggest struggle we face is synthesizing our inner desires and our external duties, weighing the needs of the collective against the needs of the individual. Finding harmony between these objectives ultimately decides the quality of our lives.

I've been obsessed with the art of decision-making since I was a 15-year-old taking classes on game theory. In college, I studied philosophy, behavioral economics, and the computational principles that underlie modern software. I even got a Masters degree in decision science. My knowledge isn't all academic, either. After working at companies of all shapes and sizes, I've observed what works and what doesn't.

Harmonic Decisions is my attempt at sharing the strategies for making healthy decisions I've learned from my studies and observed at the workplace. Balancing the demands of the collective against the needs of the self is an art and requires consistent, consistent practice. No matter what level of the corporate hierarchy you're at, you will be frustrated by the decisions made by others.

Understanding how to make effective decisions is something everyone should learn, especially those with formal or informal authority within an institution. If you manage people or set your team strategy, this is for you. If this resonates with you, consider subscribing to my free monthly newsletter or write me at sid @ harmonicdecisions.com.
