Identity Determines Value
Our real value comes from the identity we choose to prioritize.
The Nature of Work
A handy little framework for explaining why everyone does what they do.
You Are Not This Body
Most identities are defined as affirmations. This is not.
How The Decoy Pricing Calculator Works
Here's how the math works.
Introducing The Decoy Effect Calculator
Helping solo creators and service businesses psychologically price their products.
The Decoy Effect
It shows up everywhere, it's incredibly useful, and here's how it works.
Talking To Tech Doesn't Work
People refuse to talk to cell phones and their assistants like Siri or Alexa in public. What gives?
Learning From Illusion
Being a reflective person is difficult. Here's how to make it easy.
Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing
Complicating the middle is the result of going deeper: if you're going to dig, you're inevitably going to create a bit of a mess.
Why People With Money Make Terrible Decisions (Pt. 2)
When we work on our weaknesses, we make it easy for our strengths to shine.