The Decision Cycle
A high level overview of how we make decisions
Generalists vs Specialists
Who wins when a bear fights a shark? Depends on where the fight takes place.
What I Learned When I Lost My Voice
It's like the opening scene of Mad Men: what matters most is the ability to differentiate yourself.
Attention Intelligence
The AI we need and the one we deserve, too
Malabsorption Of The Mind
Think better to decide better.
Identity Determines Value
Our real value comes from the identity we choose to prioritize.
The Nature of Work
A handy little framework for explaining why everyone does what they do.
How The Decoy Pricing Calculator Works
Here's how the math works.
Introducing The Decoy Effect Calculator
Helping solo creators and service businesses psychologically price their products.
The Decoy Effect
It shows up everywhere, it's incredibly useful, and here's how it works.